
WOW-WONDERS OF THE WORLD eTwinning project.

 This event, attended by 7th grade students, will involve students with many interesting activities. The event aims to help students develop their skills in collaboration and to learn the English language more fluently. While benefiting from Web 2 devices, OIC increased their skills. While investigating the wonders of the world, their interest in history science increased even more.Students from different countries collaborated together, worked with interest on the locomotive of the project, came up with many ideas. They presented their classmates to get acquainted with the project. As a group of people, they divided into groups and created MindMap (intellectual-xəritə). Each group gave information about a miracle. -They became acquainted with someone's work.Together they compiled an interesting electronic book on the architectural monuments of their own countries.They met their comrades by arranging the lights with the layout. Then they prepared the models of the miracles. They exhibited the models they prepared both from cardboard and with a 3D printer.